1.2.5 - 29-May-2019

*Feature: Proxy support for HTTP calls

*Fix: Minor Bug fixes. 

1.2.4 - 20-Mar-2019

* Improvement: Error Logging improved for better debugging.

* Fix: While cloning Prod DB to Dev site, some insert queries are failing when the backup is taken via mysqldump with lock statements in some cases.

* Fix: While importing DB, queries failed with an empty error message in some cases.

* Fix: WPMerge DB query for re-log table getting logged during discard changes.

1.2.3 - 19-Feb-2019

* Improvement: Query recording is now saved in the base64 format so it can support binary data (This applies for new logging only).

* Improvement: Test merging option moved out of advanced options to encourage people to use it.

*  Improvement: While replacing DB links, WPMerge will check for any broken serialize data and fixes it.

* Improvement: The following table added to structure only recording list `wfKnownFileList`.

* Improvement: Priority of WPMerge plugin loading increased, therefore logging improved.

* Fix: While merging PROD site, the tables deleted on the DEV site are not deleted on the PROD if the table prefix is different.

* Fix: Table names with any autoincrement value(say while using multisite) having issues while renaming the table.

* Fix: Prod connect site now checks for dev and prod version compatibility.

* Fix: Replacing table prefix in a meta_key column of usermeta table happens more than once in some cases.

* Fix: Few queries are not logged when other plugins are activated/deactivated.

* Fix: Download DB JSON failed issue now will show the partial raw response.

* Fix: Error Log Undefined index: triggers on /wp-content/plugins/wp-merge/includes/dev_db.php line 235'.

1.2.1 - 16-Jan-2019

* Improvement: Push DB changes Optimized.

* Fix: PHP 7.2 fatal error when replacing query used.

* Fix: While replacing DB links, serialized data checking issue.

* Fix: Unserialize failed for serialized string data having escaped double quotes. Commonly occurs when data changes recorded for Beaver Builder.

* Fix: JSON failed, show raw response to users.

1.2.0 - 21-Dec-2018

* Improvement: Replace DB links speed optimized.
* Improvement: Apply changes to Prod or Test merge speed optimized.
* Improvement: Persistent notice on DEV WordPress site dashboard to prevent users from cloning the DEV site using third-party services.
* Improvement: WPMerge plugin on DEV site will display the deactivate instructions when DB mod is present.
* Improvement: Now you can create one time dynamic DB table prefix for internal usage.
* Improvement: Before using a temporary prefix, unwanted tables will be cleaned up. (if any)
* Improvement: Now, the plugin versions on PROD and DEV site will be validated and notify users for any version mismatch
* Improvement: For better connectivity, wp-load.php is used as the endpoint.
* Fix: Error while creating the trigger. Error:(Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'CONCAT').
* Fix: URL replacement not working if a primary column is a text in certain cases. - 7-Dec-2018

* Fix: "%" is converted into a random string while replacing the links. (if a column data have a link and "%")
* Fix: PHP DB table backup insert query size exceeds 1MB. - 28-Nov-2018

*Fix: Former version crashes the sites installed on the server with PHP v5.x.

1.1.0 - 27-Nov-2018

*Feature: Option to exclude tables from recording.
*Improvement: While applying the changes to the production site, prod site DB tables will get cloned into the same DB with a  different prefix, and then the changes will be applied. If everything goes well, the changes will be retained, and the tables will be  made live. Else the cloned DB tables will be proceeded to live.
*Improvement: Backing up, pushing delta changes and apply changes(test merge and prod merge) processes are optimized.
*Improvement: Enabled support for custom wp-admin URLs.
*Improvement: Round robin method of downloading backup table files are changed to sequential download. Saves calls and time.
*Improvement: Backup prod DB will show progress based on the number of rows, instead of tables completed.
*Improvement: DB dump backup now writes multi insert queries, which saves time.
*Improvement: Process flow progress added to replace DB links, remote replace DB links and push db delta.
*Improvement: Prod clone import missed queries will be logged separately.
*Improvement: All WPMerge tables are using InnoDB engine now.
*Fix: Download backup file task in prod db clone, now cleans any other noise prints like warning or error notice.
*Fix: URL replacement not working properly for custom wp-admin urls.
*Fix: wpmerge_delete_option('wpmerge_db_version'); creating fatal error while uninstalling in prod. We have removed the call as is not   necessary.
*Fix: exit() not called in few cases common_exim.php calls.
*Fix: In some cases max_input_vars is reached error is fixed.
*Fix: On any HTTP error, the gif continues to run even after the task is stopped with error.
*Fix: Tables order by type, gives unexpected order.
*Fix: Compress DB files are not performed in the multicall way.
*Fix: Issue in calculating max prod upload limit.
*Fix: One query is missed on second multicall run queries for table.
*Fix: Replace DB links standard time limit everywhere.
*Fix: wpmerge_is_time_limit_exceeded now uses constant.
*Fix: wpmerge_log_queries table not created while applying the changes to prod.
*Fix: WPMerge tables not creating/displaying detailed error message.


* Fix: Changed files not downloading due to WPMERGE_TEMP_DIR not existing

* Fix:  Changed files are downloaded only after "Clone from Prod" was done
* Fix: Path issue in Windows.


* Fix: Dev to prod multisite url replacing issue
* Fix: Frequent db mod popup in network site, due to wpmerge_db_version saving via update_option()
* Fix: Minor issue in network admin_notice


* Discard changes has been improved in terms of speed
* Corrupted tables are ignored
* Log errors in file in wpmerge_temp directory
* Not recognising multi query with "'#", '--', '/*' fixed
* URL replacing for subfolders has been fixed.
* Auto increment value wrongly set for wpmerge_inc_exc_contents and wpmerge_process_files tables fixed.
* Creating tables on Dev environment uses WordPress default charset.

* In multisite redirect url issue fixed.
* In multisite WP, if admin_email doesn't have an user account with that email the connection JSON was not created.
* Fatal error while activating in php 5.4 "Can't use function return value in write context?" fixed and moved that to incompatible page.
* wpmerge_dev_db_update() introduced to give db mod required warning after the update. 


*Wordfence 403 issue fixed
*Excluding mysqli->prepare and execute queries from recording.
*'install_plugins' menu capability changed to 'activate_plugins'


*Foreign key fix


*Notices has been fixed